Early Mode for Advanced Users

Iconic gif of Piers Ridley saying 'You're early, but not for long'

You're still $EARLY,
but not for long...

studio pass NFT

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Shitcoin Transformer 6.9
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our earliest drop ever.


Portfolio Management for Institutions


Private Practice Surgery & earlyTech R&D


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What is $EARLY?

✅ 1 Billion tokens

✅ Created by earlyDev, working exclusively on earlyTech

✅ For earlyAdopters

✅ Earliest Radlocked liquidity (thicc and beta-beemlocked)

✅ AAA rated 'nomics by accredited rating agencies Moddys and inFidelity

✅ Abundent meme material sustainably sourced from fair trade data mines

✅ Still early

Check if you're still early by using our propetieteary(?)
algorithm LLM chat experience, earlyGPT.

Am I still early?

Still not convinced you're early? Check out our earlyRoadmap.


Create community of earlyAdoptoors

Create earlyTech

Create earlyMeme resources

Sign earlyNDAs with earlyKOLs and dApps

earlyAlpha distribution to earlyAdopters

Move beemlocked liquidity to RadLock for 420 years

Ensure you can still be early

For the avoidance of doubt

Being early is a commonly shared feeling in the Radix community and can sometimes feel like a double-edged sword. Am I early or is the future never coming? Maybe I'm in too deep, maybe I should get out early. Fuck that. Fuck the doubt that can creep into your degenerating frontal lobe and fuck being late to something this good. The foundational technology underpinning the Radix DLT is the most promising opportunity to take DeFi mainstream and your only regret will be not being earlier.
So buy $XRD and get in $EARLY.


Q: Am I too late?

A: Don't worry, you're still early - but not for long.

Q: I just found this today, am I still early?

A: We've checked your case and can confirm that today, you're still early... but not for long.

Q: Is everyone early?

A: We don't like to make generalisations, but we can confirm you're still early.

Q: I've been in a coma for 30 years and just woke up. I've missed so much, my son's first steps, graduating from college, his wedding. My wife moved on and has found a new life without me and friends have all moved out of the city to retire. The world just seems to have moved on without me as if I was never there.

A: Still early.

©️ earlyTech 2024

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